(Pdf) Quantum Biofeedback Therapy For Sport Performance

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The objective of the Research study is to identify if one 45-minute treatment with the SCIO (Scientific Awareness Interface Operations System) biofeedback device would show a modification, and hopefully an improvement, on an individual's Body Health indicators as defined by the following intros to each hypothesis. There are 3 (3) hypotheses that are the goal of this research study and they are defined below as Hypothesis # 1, Hypothesis # 2 and Hypothesis # 3.

All muscles are switched on by electrical impulse. Muscles themselves are magnetic utilizing volts and amps for their operation. The brain is a huge collection of cells that have electrical activity that can be determined through the EEG (electroencephalography). The heart itself is the largest electro-magnetic engine and uses electrical impulses to influence the muscles of the heart to circulate blood.

Large Scale Study Of The Safety And Efficacy Of The Scio Device

The collective standard of the circuit of EEG (electroencephalography), ECG (electrocardiography), EMG (electromyography) and GSR (galvanic skin response) measurements can give us a rating of the worldwide body voltage, body amperage and skin resistance (V= voltage, A= amperage, and R= resistance respectively). There are norms of the V (voltage), A (amperage) and R (resistance) and particular individuals, due to stress or other aspects, can have low V (voltage), A (amperage) and/or R (resistance).

Our scale is from 0-110 for the V, A and R measurements, so an improvement in these Body Wellness indications is going towards the greater end of the scale. Introduction # 2: The collective inductance and capacitance modifications in the body are a reflection of redox potential and can reflect hydration (H) and oxygenation (O) indexes.

Our scale is from 0-110 for the H and O measurements, so an enhancement in these Body Wellness signs is going towards the greater end of the scale. Introduction # 3: Irregularities in EEG, EMG, ECG and GSR can be fixed through assisted electro-stimulation. The V and A are also significantly affected by the charge stability of the complimentary protons and electrons, (unfavorable charges and favorable charges in the body), which collectively make up the proton pressure (P) and electron pressure (E).

How Quantum Scio Biofeedback Works - Natural Wellness ...

This can be determined by the carbon based electrodes of the SCIO through electro-stimulation biofeedback. Hypothesis # 3: It is our hypothesis, that the proton pressure (P) and electron pressure (E) scores can be improved with one 45-minute treatment with the SCIO. The scale of regular P is 75 and the scale for regular E is 65 and ball games show an enhancement in these Body Health signs is if they change towards this number.

These VARHOPE scores are vital for all body working, therefore our overall hypothesis is that within one 45 minute session, a measurable enhancement in Body Wellness signs can be attained.

Ridiculous season is in full speed. The Telegraph correspondent has chosen a bioenergetic health audit. "The resident homoeopath, Katie Jermine, quizzed me about my diet plan, tension levels and way of life. She then strapped on a wristband and plugged me into an electronic gadget called the Quantum QXCI, which scanned my system for vitamins, minerals, food intolerances, toxicity, organ function, hormonal agent balance, parasites, gastrointestinal disorders and stress levels." We've all pertained to accept that the hypochondriac pages are somehow exempt from the deal constraints of "money for prcised true realities" in the newsagents.

Large Scale Study Of The Safety And Efficacy Of The Scio Device

And not just some healthy fruit and veg. No: just an idiot would pay 150 to be informed to consume more fruit and veg. There were likewise 120 pills, of differing colour and size. What is the mysterious QXCI machine? Unfortunately the Telegraph appears to have kept the most interesting information from us, for this is no less than the Quantum Xrroid Awareness User Interface, "the most advanced medical assessment and treatment gadget worldwide today" according to the distributors.

It is covered in lights and switches, with special sciencey connectors like the printer ports on an old computer system, and it looks like the equipment on an extensive care unit. Quantum, obviously, is a word that numerous translate as authorization to make stuff up, although practically the whole electronic manufacturing output of the world is driven by a perfectly appropriate understanding and application of quantum principles.

He has 5 doctorates by my counting, the machine costs 10,750, but as they describe: "Technology attracts clients and charges are greater for professionals who use cutting-edge assessment and treatment systems." However